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Dhyan Setu


Mandalas serve as a powerful tool for connecting with our inner selves. Derived from the ancient Sanskrit term for “circle,” mandalas hold diverse significance across various cultures and practices. They are circular, geometric patterns that emanate from a central point. For some, they may represent whole Universe or it’s different aspects. And for others, a Mandala may represent a part of the self, a reflection of the inner state at any particular moment.

Dhyan Setu


Join us for a healing and meditation session with Sunainaa Agrawwal, Theta Healing ® expert on strengthening your trust and Faith in the Creator. Every problem being faced by us is because of lack of faith in God and the belief that we are separate from the Creator. In truth, we are made up of God’s energy, there is no separation. Join us for a healing meditation session to feel your oneness with the Creator

Symphony of Possibilities


It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.

Symphony of Possibilities


It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.

Shree Mala


Navratri has been a long-standing tradition for all of us with a great amount of religious value attached to it. We also know that Navratri undeniably is one the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated across the nation with great fervour and enthusiasm. However not many would know, that it is celebrated in different seasons, FOUR times a year. They are Chaitra Navratri, Ashadha Navratri, Sharadiya Navratri, and Paush/Magha Navratri.

Dhyan Setu


This Dark Moon marks the beginning of Spring, marking the end of our inner state of winter hibernation awakening within us new beginnings. As we reflect on the change of season we also pause and check into our own body on what this means for us as we take in the cosmic rays of the moon. As we herald this event of self exploration and inner transformation, we are getting in touch with our innate desires, fears and aspirations through the medium of our body.

Symphony of Possibilities


It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.

Dhyan Setu


On the Full Moon Day energies are heightened. Let us use these energies to focus on our relationships. This meditation will help you to regulate your emotions , bring in clarity of thought with the people we need to bring into our area of focus . We may learn to increase our level of acceptance .

Dhyan Setu


We all know how to give and receive. But there is more when we go deeper into this energy of giving and receiving. Let us find it together in a guided meditation with our breath and using the power of visualization – how we give and what we receive.

Dhyan Setu


We all know how to give and receive. But there is more when we go deeper into this energy of giving and receiving. Let us find it together in a guided meditation with our breath and using the power of visualization – how we give and what we receive.

Dhyan Setu


We all know how to give and receive. But there is more when we go deeper into this energy of giving and receiving. Let us find it together in a guided meditation with our breath and using the power of visualization – how we give and what we receive.

Dhyan Setu


We all know how to give and receive. But there is more when we go deeper into this energy of giving and receiving. Let us find it together in a guided meditation with our breath and using the power of visualization – how we give and what we receive.

Dhyan Setu


In ancient times, doctor were paid to keep the people fit and not cure a disease. Lots of ailments that come onto our physical body comes on our energy body around 6 months before we see any sign and symptoms physically. The healing meditation work on energy body can prevent future ailments.

Dhyan Setu


IT’s Auspicious to sit in silence and meditate on our Sacred Inner Light on this Divine night.Guru is derived from two words Gu and Ru In Sanskrti Gu implies darkness or ignorance Ru implies the remover of that darkness

Dhyan Setu


When we are in alignment within us, in balance, all our life situations bring balance automatically. Yin & yang is represented in yogic language which indicates as male & female energies. The energy balance we hold in our chakras, reflects in our mental, physical and emotional bodies leads for us to attract situations, relationships which is balanced or imbalanced. It also makes us react/act on situations in our life.

Mirror Play


Mirror play program is based on the mirror work method developed and shared with us by our mentor & guide Louise L Hay. Mirror work is the most effective method she found for learning to love ourself and see the world as a safe and loving place. Louise taught this method to millions & millions of people as long as she lived.

Dhyan Setu


Buddha consciousness is a term used to describe the awakened state of mind that is achieved through meditation and spiritual practice. It is a state of awareness that is free from attachment, fear, and suffering. It is a state of being that is characterized by clarity, insight, and wisdom.

Dhyan Setu


We go on with our daily lives, bypassing our true feelings & emotions that surface. In the name of being Spiritual we are trained that emotions such as rage, sorrow, fear are low vibe & we extend step motherly treatment to it. On the contrary , Your emotions need your presence, attention & acceptance! Your spiritual growth isn’t just about healing your shadows, n wounds & rewiring your belief systems, it is also about incorporating your Body in your evolution!

Dhyan Setu "Wholeness"


The journey into ourselves is an adventure, for we know not what is waiting to unfold. The more we begin to embrace our unfolding, the more whole we feel, more at home allowing us to blossom into our complete beautiful selves. I am the light; I am the dark; I am the Divine Expression when I am whole.

Dhyan Setu "Breath Awareness


You can travel from Alpha to Omega state of consciousness simply through Anapanasati Meditation. Let us expand our vibration through Soul Consciousness.

Dhyansetu with Sagrieka Mittal


Jyotish , is the science of studying light , the heavenly bodies also known as Astrology . It’s not how to save yourself from Saturn or Rahu but rather understand how the vibrational universe effects you , how your birth time ,date and location makes you a unique receiver of the cosmic messages .



Shall be teaching a meditative process through which we can Manifest Our Dreams. In this process, we shall – * Identify the situation which is pulling us back. * Transform the situation. * & finally Integrate the desired manifestation fully.

Dhyansetu : Meet Your Master Guide


A meditation wherein you will receive guidance for yourself from The Masters by making a conscious contact with the divine source to help you navigate through Life smoothly . Also, it will help in healing yourself, and you will feel your energy levels rise, bringing in wellness , love, and prosperity in all the spheres of your life.

Dhyan Setu


The Self is pure consciousness. Your true self is the purest of pure. It is the witness. Even if you are not aware of the Self, it will not lose its identity. But when identification of the Self happens with the body and mind then the self is in a state of delusion, meditation helps us to Reclaim the Effortless Being.

Dhyan Setu


Permission or allowances are often viewed and perceived negatively by us. However they are strong affirmative statements with a purpose. In this meditation, we give ourselves the permission to exist, to be a child , to love and belong and to be successful in our lives continuing self discovery.

Dhyan Setu


When everything seems calm and almost “lifeless” in autumn and winter, a transformation takes place in the innermost core of our nature – invisible and hidden from our eyes, it seems as if nothing is happening, But a meditator is not discouraged at the sight of trees without leaves or bushes without flowers – because he knows that deep down, nature gives everything to bring the joy and beauty of flowers and fruits into our lives! It creates disharmony and frustrates us to always be on the lookout for the magical blooms or fruit before ripening. Dhayan is a wonderful way to get in touch with this fullness of life – our life. Because meditation can show us the way how we become aware of this inner transformation and also teach us to trust the universe that we are gifted with the wonders of the universe like the changing of the seasons. Exactly this is the aim of Anjuly´s Fullmoon Meditation. We shall start with a short pranayama session, followed by a brief Pratyahara practice, culminating into Dharana and finally reach the state of Dhayana.

Dhyan Setu


When everything seems calm and almost “lifeless” in autumn and winter, a transformation takes place in the innermost core of our nature – invisible and hidden from our eyes, it seems as if nothing is happening, But a meditator is not discouraged at the sight of trees without leaves or bushes without flowers – because he knows that deep down, nature gives everything to bring the joy and beauty of flowers and fruits into our lives! It creates disharmony and frustrates us to always be on the lookout for the magical blooms or fruit before ripening. Dhayan is a wonderful way to get in touch with this fullness of life – our life. Because meditation can show us the way how we become aware of this inner transformation and also teach us to trust the universe that we are gifted with the wonders of the universe like the changing of the seasons. Exactly this is the aim of Anjuly´s Fullmoon Meditation. We shall start with a short pranayama session, followed by a brief Pratyahara practice, culminating into Dharana and finally reach the state of Dhayana.

Dhyan Setu


Do you know the reason behind the lovemaking sculptures in Ajanta Ellora, Khajuraho temple? The purpose of these sculptures was to help monks in their spiritual advancement. YES, you read it right. These sculptures were built by monks. The purpose of these sculptures was to ignite the sexual energy and transmute that energy into divine energy and enlightenment. Do you know there are seven chakras in our body out of which our sacral Chakra (or sexual energy Chakra) is responsible for spirituality, wealth, creativity, and abundance? You can transmute this energy to lead a successful life and for your spiritual growth and advancement. In case you want to learn how to transmute this energy for your spiritual advancement or attract good health and wealth, I have something for you. You will learn how to master your Sexual Energy and manifest a life you truly desire.

Dhyan Setu


We go on with our daily lives, bypassing our true feelings & emotions that surface. In the name of being Spiritual we are trained that emotions such as rage, sorrow, fear are low vibe & we extend step motherly treatment to it. On the contrary , Your emotions need your presence, attention & acceptance! Your spiritual growth isn't just about healing your shadows, n wounds & rewiring your belief systems, it is also about incorporating your Body in your evolution! So , Here is where Vaakshetra comes to play . We attend to all thoughts that are arising within your body temple and process it by paying attention to it . Then learning NEW ways to integrate and accept it by breath, sound and movement! Your body is having a spiritual experience & inclusion of your Body temple, accelerates your Awakenia

Dhyan Setu


Anapana — Inhale / Exhale – Simple witnessing the breath. Watching the breath at the nostril. Once thought breaks, bring it back naturally to watch the breath.

Dhyan Setu


Anapana — Inhale / Exhale – Simple witnessing the breath. Watching the breath at the nostril. Once thought breaks, bring it back naturally to watch the breath.

Lets Share with Soulsetu Sangha


Open the floodgates of Healing & Compassion with our next Soul Setu Sangha which is a platform on Every New Moon For Sangha (Participants) To Meet, Greet, Share In A Non-Judgemental Safe Space Followed By Lunar Chanting.

The Transcendence and healing Portal of 22/02/2022


It is a period of extreme energy .The energy it is providing us ia all about balance , harmony ,love and compassion . This portal is open until 22.2.22 and is going to bring us into a more positive and uplifting times in our lives . It is the last major activation event to work with,before March Equinox. Angel no 222 represents being right there where we are meant to be . It reminds us that universe has a plan and all that is meant for us will come even if we are not where we hope to be . It is a sign that you are about to enter a period of peace and stability.

Dhyan setu


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Signature Numerology Seminar



Dhyan setu


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Dhyan setu


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Dhyan setu- Mooladar Meditation


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Dhyan Setu Full Moon Meditation Circle


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Chakra Balancing With Colours & Crystals


This July’s Dhyan Setu Meditation is a special session with Neetta Karkhanis @flying_goddess a renowned Theta Healer & Soul Energy Mentor on Chakra Balancing With Colours & Crystals. Our chakras when balanced and functioning normally allow us to exist in happiness, peace & harmony with the world that we live in.

Forever Successful!


Most of us are products of a society that defines success in terms of material supply. Yet true success is demonstrated by wholeness, which is only experienced by walking in alignment with the needs of your soul.

Journey into the Wesak Valley with Sacred sounds


Buddha Purnima is a very powerful full moon of the year. It is believed that Lord Buddha comes down and pours forth the spiritual blessings and energies of the Divine. In this guided visualisation meditation with the sacred sounds of the Singing Bowls and the Moon Gong, journey into the Wesak valley under the beautiful full moon to cleanse, imbibe the divine energies and rejuvenate.

Being the Wholeness


We are created whole. As we live our lives, our attention shifts and remains focussed on the outer, allowing the Wholeness of our Being to get fragmented, scattered and distracted.

Activate your power with your Dragon


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

No-Yes Meditation


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

Sowing New Seeds for 2021


Dhyan Setu is a monthly meditation circle presented by Soul Setu Wellness Foundation. With this circle, we are working towards creating a ‘Sangha’, a community of like-minded people. In this circle, we meet on every Full Moon IST at 6 pm and meditate together for an hour.

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