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All Night Gong Bath (1 Person)


We are thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary event that promises to immerse you in the cosmic vibrations of gongs and help you heal at a cellular level. Join us for an unforgettable All-Night Gong Bath at Hotel Plazzio , Sector 29, Gurgaon on 20th July, from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM

ANTAR YATRA (1 Person)


It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.

ANTAR YATRA (2 Person)


It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.



It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds (1 Person)


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.



We all know how to give and receive. But there is more when we go deeper into this energy of giving and receiving. Let us find it together in a guided meditation with our breath and using the power of visualization – how we give and what we receive.



Our menstruation holds deep insights for us, giving meaning to our experiences and providing a container for us to access deeper layers within ourselves. Becoming aware of our cycle and tracking(or charting) it consistently, altars and transforms our approach to living, loving and working.

Conscious Breath & Sounds of Chakra Bowls


Breathing is a vital function of the body for survival. But is breathing just inhaling and exhaling air? The breathing speed, style, depth and heaviness say a lot about the present state of mind. An agitated person breathes differently, and a sleeping person breathes differently. A breathing pattern is deeply connected to the state of mind. One affects the other. If you want to change the present state of mind, change the pattern of breathing, and bring it in accordance with the desired state. It is advised to take deep breaths when you feel anger or anxiety or any negative emotion as through breathing you can transform the negativity into calmness.



Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.



There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and with a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars®?, it can occur with total ease. Best of all, it’s not hard to learn. By learning or receiving the Access Bars®? technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.



Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Exploratory Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression


Past Life Regression is a very ancient therapy that finds its reference as ‘Prati Prasav’ in our Vedic Scripture & ‘Jati Smaran’ in Our Jain Scriptures. This therapy has been evolving continuously & through the ongoing research in this field, it has been discovered that there is a link between past trauma & present symptoms.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds (1 Person)


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds (1 Person)


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.



Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans. Singing Bowls are native to India, Tibet & Himalayan region. The golden yellow metal Singing Bowls are unique Sound Healing & musical instruments. At first, they may not look like a musical or healing. instrument. However when you start to stir or beat these bowls with diff. Kinds of sticks & beaters Kinds of sticks & beaters unexpectedly warm, deep, perceptible vibrations are transformed into full, harmonious sound. When Singing Bowls are played together, the intermingling tones start to resonate creatively producing the most unexpected & mysterious sound. Because of their spiritual qualities, these very SOUNDS can touch you at the deepest level of your soul.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds (2 Person)


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds (2 Person)


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Full Day Immersion with Sacred Sounds


Music & sound making instruments are as old as humanity and have always been used to promote healing & transformation of consciousness. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. Ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick. The Singing Bowl is one of the most primal & useful forms created by humans.

Meditate for love


Soul Setu in collaboration with Love out Loud & High vibe Network is coming up with Global Mass Meditation. It's an initiative for Mass Healing at the time when our world is still in a recovery mode of the major pandemic that has hit us since last two years. It is a 12/12 event called Meditate for Miracles. Together with international speakers we will sync up our intentions and prayers and meditate with the common intention to create miracles at a time where the world needs it the most! Let's Together sit in Meditation collectively at 1.30pm ( IST ) on Facebook live and send Love to one & all. It will be a guided Meditation by Nicole Gibson (Founder of love out loud ) After the Global Meditation there will be a panel discussion on "SOVEREIGNTY" From Spirituality to Freedom called ' ALIGN YOUR TIMELINE ' , where we’ll discuss ways to empower ourselves and each other to create a better future. Join hands for the global noble cause from the comfort of your home and Reach 1 Million People Meditating together for Love, live at the same time.

Sound Bath


Let's expand & shine our inner light in one more beautiful sound journey, surrendering into the natural flow of nature, the natural flow of our heart, merging with the divine energies within us as Soul Setu Wellness Foundation brings you yet another soothing session of ''Sound Bath'' in-person session with none other than Certified Trainers & Sound Healers Therapist Aman & Deepti

Color as Medicine


Colors have real effects on people, and it’s about time we start taking advantage of it. Also known as chromotherapy, color therapy is based on the idea that color and colored lights can help treat physical or mental health. According to this idea, they cause subtle changes in our moods and biology.

Sound Bath


As the name suggests, a Sound Bath is an immersion in beautiful sounds and vibrations that are healing for your body, mind and spirit. A Sound Bath is a deeply relaxing, meditative experience which can take you on a journey of deep relaxation, healing and self-discovery.

Magical Weekend with Divination Tools


The word Divination comes from Latin divinare, which means 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict’, related to divinus, 'divine', or "to be inspired by a god,”. Divination tools are the different methods/ways used as an attempt to gain insight into a question or situation. These tools serve as a vessel between the seer & the Divine.

Magical Weekend with Divination Tools


The word Divination comes from Latin divinare, which means 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict’, related to divinus, 'divine', or "to be inspired by a god,”. Divination tools are the different methods/ways used as an attempt to gain insight into a question or situation. These tools serve as a vessel between the seer & the Divine.

Magical Weekend with Divination Tools


The word Divination comes from Latin divinare, which means 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict’, related to divinus, 'divine', or "to be inspired by a god,”. Divination tools are the different methods/ways used as an attempt to gain insight into a question or situation. These tools serve as a vessel between the seer & the Divine.

Magical Weekend with Divination Tools


The word Divination comes from Latin divinare, which means 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict’, related to divinus, 'divine', or "to be inspired by a god,”. Divination tools are the different methods/ways used as an attempt to gain insight into a question or situation. These tools serve as a vessel between the seer & the Divine.

Dhyan Utsav 2020


Dhyan Utsav is a Live Virtual Meditation & Wellbeing Festival scheduled on 20th December 2020 from 7 Am to 7 Pm. This is an Annual Carnival presented by Soul Setu wellness Foundation. Seeing the challenging wave around the world this year we are not going live physically but virtually & you can be a part of the Grand Festival from the comfort of your HOMES.

Dhyan Utsav 2020


Dhyan Utsav is a Live Virtual Meditation & Wellbeing Festival scheduled on 20th December 2020 from 7 Am to 7 Pm. This is an Annual Carnival presented by Soul Setu wellness Foundation. Seeing the challenging wave around the world this year we are not going live physically but virtually & you can be a part of the Grand Festival from the comfort of your HOMES.

Dhyan Utsav 2020


Dhyan Utsav is a Live Virtual Meditation & Wellbeing Festival scheduled on 20th December 2020 from 7 Am to 7 Pm. This is an Annual Carnival presented by Soul Setu wellness Foundation. Seeing the challenging wave around the world this year we are not going live physically but virtually & you can be a part of the Grand Festival from the comfort of your HOMES.

Dhyan Utsav 2020


Dhyan Utsav is a Live Virtual Meditation & Wellbeing Festival scheduled on 20th December 2020 from 7 Am to 7 Pm. This is an Annual Carnival presented by Soul Setu wellness Foundation. Seeing the challenging wave around the world this year we are not going live physically but virtually & you can be a part of the Grand Festival from the comfort of your HOMES.

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